The scanner department

Siden trykkeriets start har scanner-afdelingen opbygget en ekspertise i at reproducere originalmateriale med stor præcision.
Siden trykkeriets start har scanner-afdelingen opbygget en ekspertise i at reproducere originalmateriale med stor præcision.
Since the beginning of the press, the scanner department has built up an expertise in reproducing original material with great precision.
Since the beginning of the press, the scanner department has built up an expertise in reproducing original material with great precision.

Her optimeres scanninger og digitale billeder til tryk, tilpasset den papirkvalitet, billederne skal trykkes på.

Her optimeres scanninger og digitale billeder til tryk, tilpasset den papirkvalitet, billederne skal trykkes på.

Here, both scanned and digital images are optimized for printing and adapted to the paper quality the images will be printed on.

Here, both scanned and digital images are optimized for printing and adapted to the paper quality the images will be printed on.

Hos Narayana Press er kunderne velkomne til at deltage i alle grafiske processer.
I scannerafdelingen medvirker især fotografer og andre kunstnere.

Alle kunder er velkomne til at deltage i de grafiske processer.
I scannerafdelingen medvirker mange fotografer og andre kunstnere i billedbehandlingen.

All customers are welcome to take an active part in the graphic design processes. In the scanner department, many photographers and other artists participate in the image processing.

At Narayana Press all customers are welcome to take part in the graphic design processes. In the scanner department, many photographers and other artists participate in the image processing.

Strikkedesigner Lene Holme Samsøe er med til at finjustere farver på den kalibrerede skærm.
Strikkedesigner Lene Holme Samsøe er med til at finjustere farver på den kalibrerede skærm.
Knitting designer Lene Holme Samsøe joins in fine-tuning colours at the calibrated screen.
Knitting designer Lene Holme Samsøe joins in fine-tuning colours at the calibrated screen.

Prøvetryk efter billedbehandling.
Prøvetryk efter billedbehandling.
Matchprints after image correction.
Matchprints after image correction.
Fotograf Luca Berti deltager i optimering af sine fotografier til tryk.
Fotograf Luca Berti deltager i optimering af sine fotografier til tryk.
Photographer Luca Berti participates in the optimization of his photographs for printing.
Photographer Luca Berti participates in the optimization of his photographs for printing.

Inden tryk godkendes prøvetryk af alle billeder. Prøvetryk simulerer de forskellige papirkvaliteter og kommer meget tæt på det endelige tryk. Prøvetryk (matchprint) til farvegodkendelse fremstilles med det ISO 12647-2 certificerede prøvetrykssystem GMG ColorProof.
Inden tryk godkendes matchprint af alle billeder. Matchprintene simulerer de forskellige papirkvaliteter og kommer meget tæt på det endelige tryk. Prøvetryk (matchprint) til farvegodkendelse fremstilles med det ISO 12647-2 certificerede prøvetrykssystem GMG ColorProof.
Before printing, match prints of all images are approved. The match prints simulate the different paper qualities and come very close to the final print.
A matchprint is made with the ISO 12647-2 certified GMG ColorProof proofing system.
Before printing, match prints of all images are approved. The match prints simulate the different paper qualities and come very close to the final print.
A matchprint is made with the ISO 12647-2 certified GMG ColorProof proofing system.
Fotograf Joey Abrait vurderer prøvetryk af sine billeder.
Fotograf Joey Abrait vurderer prøvetryk af sine billeder.
Photographer Joey Abrait evaluates the matchprints of her photos.
Photographer Joey Abrait evaluates the matchprints of her photos.
Ida Mahler og Simon Thordahl fra Mount Agency gennemgår prøvetryk.
Ida Mahler og Simon Thordahl fra Mount Agency gennemgår prøvetryk.
Mahler and Simon Thordahl from Mount Agency reviewing matchprints.
Mahler and Simon Thordahl from Mount Agency reviewing matchprints.

Reproduktion foregår med et Phase One iXG kamera med en opløsning på op til 100 MP. Kameraet kan scanne alt fra dias og negativer til originale kunstværker. Kunstnere er velkomne til selv at være med ved indscanningen.
Reproduktion foregår med et Phase One iXG 100 Mp kamera og kunstnere er velkomne til selv at være med til indscanningen. Store materialer kan scannes ad flere omgange og samles derefter digitalt.
Reproduction takes place with a Phase One iXG 100 Mp camera with a resolution up to 100 MP. The camera scans everything from ectachromes and negatives to original artworks. Artists are welcome to participate in the scanning process.
Reproduction takes place with a Phase One iXG 100 Mp camera with a resolution up to 100 MP. The camera scans everything from ectachromes and negatives to original artworks. Artists are welcome to participate in the scanning process.
Kunstner Mette Homar er med til affotografering af sine store malerier.
Kunstner Mette Homar deltager i affotografering af sine store malerier.
Artist Mette Homar taking part in photographing her large paintings.
Artist Mette Homar taking part in photographing her large paintings.

Meget store akvareller og malerier scannes ad flere omgange og samles digitalt.
Dias, ektachromer og negativer kan scannes i størrelser fra 24x36mm op til 18x24cm. Indrammede billeder scannes uden genskin, og ujævne overflader som fx keramik reproduceres med stor dybdeskarphed.

Alt originalmateriale bliver behandlet med stor omhu. Originaler kan eventuelt opbevares i en brandsikker boks.
Billeder i glas og ramme kan scannes uden genskin, ligesom kunst med ujævne overflader, som f.eks. keramik, kan reproduceres med stor dybdeskarphed.
Alt originalmateriale bliver behandlet med stor forsigtighed, og kan opbevares i brandboks, hvis det ønskes.
Very large watercolours and paintings are scanned in several sections and resembled digitally.
Dias, ectachromes and negatives can be reproduced in sizes from 24x36mm up to 18x24cm. Framed images behind glass can be scanned without glare and reflections, just like pieces of art with uneven surfaces, such as for example ceramics, and can be reproduced with a large depth of field.

All material is treated with great care and can be stored in a fireproof safe when wanted.
Very large watercolours and paintings are scanned in several sections and resembled digitally. Framed images behind glass can be scanned without glare and reflections, just like pieces of art with uneven surfaces, such as ceramics, can be reproduced with a large depth of field.

All material is treated with great care and can be stored in a fireproof safe if wanted.
Dias, ectachromer og negativer i størrelser fra 24x36 mm op til 18x24 cm scannes på
Phase One kameraet.
Dias, ectachromer og negativer i størrelser fra 24x36 mm op til 18x24 cm scannes på
Phase One kameraet.
Slides, ectachromes and negatives in sizes from 24x36 mm up to 18x24 cm are also scanned here.
Slides, ectachromes and negatives in sizes from 24x36 mm up to 18x24 cm are also scanned here.
Malerier med ujævne overflader scannes på Phase One kameraet.
Malerier med ujævne overflader scannes på Phase One kameraet.
Paintings with uneven surfaces are reproduced with the Phase One camera.
Paintings with uneven surfaces are reproduced with the Phase One camera.

Der laves også fotografiske optryk af gamle bøger i høj kvalitet, og trykte illustrationer genskabes.
Der reproduceres trykt materiale, både tekst og billeder, og gamle bøger kan affotograferes i høj kvalitet.
Printed material is reproduced, both text and images, and old books can be photographed in high quality.
Printed material is reproduced, both text and images, and old books can be photographed in high quality.

Afdelingen har stor erfaring med specielle separationer som fx. duotone, tritone og CMYK + pantonefarver.
Afdelingen har stor erfaring med specielle separationer som fx. duotone, tritone og CMYK + pantonefarver.
The department has much experience with special separations such as for example duotone, tritone and CMYK + Pantone colors.
The department has much experience with special separations such as for example duotone, tritone and CMYK + Pantone colors.
Tritone (her én Pantonefarve og to gange sort)
Tritone (her én Pantonefarve og to gange sort)
Tritone (here one Pantone color + two times black)
Tritone (here one Pantone color + two times black)
CMYK + 2 pantonefarver
CMYK + 2 pantonefarver
CMYK + 2 pantone colours
CMYK + 2 pantone colours